Football slappers: Chelsea boss, Manchester United defender, Leeds United fan…
Following Torres escaping punishment for giving the Tottenham opposition stripper player, Jan Vertonghen a slap last weekend here’s a look into some of the best in football.
Torres vs Vertonghen
Deserved?: 9/10 Yes. Jan took a tumble.
Execution: 3/10 A bit of a feminine approach from the man Chelsea fans once claimed was, “half a boy and half a girl”.
Knockout: 3/10 The scratch came with some force.
Mourinho vs Puyol
Deserved?: 9/10 Yes, Puyol is a scumbag.
Execution: 7/10 Didn’t look back, Puyol looked confused.
Knockout: 4/10 More of a cheap shot than a real slap.
Guardiola vs Alcantara
Deserved?: 6/10 Yes, Bayern were losing and his performance wasn’t up to scratch.
Execution: 5/10 A short and sharp clip, targeting the ear.
Knockout: 4/10 A wake up call as opposed to a real hit.
Bryan Carrasco vs Bryan Carrasco
Deserved?: 9/10 Anybody who tries to slap themselves probably deserves it.
Execution: 8/10 Used somebody else’s arm as a prop.
Knockout: 6/10 Caught on the nose. Hit the deck. Rolled around.
Rio vs Brdarić
Deserved?: 3/10 Standard penalty box hustle and bustle.
Execution: 1/10 Rio deserves a slap for the poor execution.
Knockout: 1/10 If you’re going to get a red you might as well deserve it.
Rio Vs Steve Bennett
Deserved?: 10/10 of course, he’s a linesman.
Execution: 7/10 managed to get away with it.
Knockout: 5/10 Decent power.
Drogba vs Vidic
Deserved?: 4/10 Tevez deserved it more than anybody.
Execution: 5/10 Decent power, aimed for that big jaw.
Knockout: 4/10 Vidic is a tough guy. It would take a lot more to floor him.
Bellamy vs Man United Fan
Deserved?: 1/10. Cheap shot from the short man. The fan was defenceless with his arms pinned back by the stewards.
Execution: 1/10. Decent power, but again. The fan couldn’t fight back.
Knockout: 1/10. Couldn’t even knock out a man with a defence worse than Arsenal’s when facing Drogba.
Celtic Fan vs Dida
Deserved?: 7/10 Probably not at that exact moment but when you consider how he went down, Dida deserved it.
Execution: 7/10 Caught the Brazilian by surprise.
Knockout: 10/10 Dida hit the deck and was put in a stretcher.
Leeds fan vs Kirkland
Deserved?: 1/10 Chris Kirkland, you have to feel sorry for him. He was meant to be England’s next goal keeper but injuries took their toll.
Execution: 9/10 Double hand job.
Knockout: 8/10 Considerable power.
Referee vs Player
Deserved?: 10/10 Player handled the ref, it’s fair enough.
Execution: 8/10 Decent power and strikes his dukes up in defence for the return.
Knockout: 6/10 Player was on the floor but managed to get up for a jog.
Fuller vs Andy Griffin
Deserved?: 7/10 Let’s be honest, who hasn’t wanted to slap a colleague at one point or another?
Execution: 8/10 Called him out, approached him, slapped him.
Knockout: 4/10 Unlikely to do any real damage.